For Tagalys plugin versions 1.12 or higher:
- SSH into your Magento server and type the command "crontab -e"
- Add the following Cron commands and save it.
Note: Replace "path_to_magento_root" with your actual path to Magento root in the below code
*/5 * * * * php -f /path_to_magento_root/app/code/community/Tagalys/Core/tagalys-processes.php sync 500 50
*/5 * * * * php -f /path_to_magento_root/app/code/community/Tagalys/Core/tagalys-processes.php update-product-positions
0 2 * * * php -f /path_to_magento_root/app/code/community/Tagalys/Core/tagalys-processes.php run-maintenance
0 * * * * php -f /path_to_magento_root/app/code/community/Tagalys/Core/tagalys-processes.php update-caches