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General FAQs
Learn about how to use the various Products of Tagalys.
How to remove or exclude OOS (out of stock) products from merchandising in collections | categories?
What are 'Default Demote Conditions' and how do I set them up?
What are 'Default Pin Conditions' and how can I set them up?
Site Search
What is a 'Search Redirect'?
What are 'Synonyms' in search and how to use them?
What are 'Pinned' and 'Popular' Searches?
How to manually sync tags to the Tagalys dashboard?
What is a 'No Results' search report?
What is a search performance report?
What are 'No Results' Recommendations?
What is ‘Search Results Analyzer’ and how can it be used?
What are 'No Results' recommendations in search results?
How can I use 'Pinned Products' in Merchandised Search?
What happens when you pin a product at an already pinned position in a merchandised search?
What is a 'Merchandised Search'?
How can you use 'Search Boost' in Merchandised Search?
What are 'Search Suggestions' in Site Search?
What is 'Define Search Results' in 'Merchandised Search'?
Why should I use 'Partially Matches' in a Merchandised Search?
What is 'Sort Search Results' in Merchandised Search?
How should I define or control products displayed in search results?
What are 'Text Suggestions' in Search Suggestions?
What are partial search results?
What is Spell Check for Site Search?
What are 'Visual Product Suggestions'?
Is it possible to show only selected filters or facets on a Search Results page?
What are 'Recent Searches'?
What are Fuzzy Suggestions?
How does Tagalys search work for Mobile Apps?
What is Search Accuracy and why is it important for online shopping?
How long does it take for 'Synonyms' and 'Search Analysis' to influence the search results after save?
How do I configure Search Accuracy?
Why do Categories appear in 'Search Suggestions'? How can you manage them from Magento?
What is 'Refine Search Results' in 'Search Analysis'?
What are 'Ignore Words' in 'Search Analysis'?
Use Case: Exclude "Shirt Dress" for Search Query "Shirt" using 'Refine Search Results'.
What are 'One-Way' Synonyms in search?
What are 'Two-Way' synonyms in search?
What is 'Singularisation'? How to use it effectively?
How do I create a Merchandised Search?
What does 'Priority' mean in Search?
Why should I use 'Exactly Matches' in Search?
How do I hide certain products from search results from Magento admin?
What is a search priority boost?
What are dynamic filters in search?
Use Case: Include or exclude attributes and its tag values for search
What is 'Product Visibility' on search settings?
What is Tagalys's AI search library?
How do I manage a conflict between a user-created and AI-generated synonym set?
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Categories | Collections
How can I pre-merchandise a collection with products that are not yet assigned to it?
How do I 'Activate' or 'Deactivate' one, multiple or all Collections from the Tagalys Dashboard?
How do I auto-activate all future Categories or Collections for merchandising on Tagalys?
What are Configurable Product Performance Metrics?
How are Tagalys Smart collections different from Shopify collections?
Why should I use Smart Categories or Collections?
How can I apply (copy or clone) a Category | Collection sequence sorting to other Categories | Collections | Widgets?
How can I convert | transfer a Global Sort Option (Sequence) to a Category | Collection as its local sequence?
How to merchandise a Collection | Category by using the 'Size Percentage' condition?
Why should I use product Sequencing?
How do I 'Pin' multiple SKUs while merchandising a Collection | Category page?
What is a Global Sort Option (GSO)?
Why should I use a Global Boost (T-score)?
What is the 'Replace' and 'Pushdown' mode, when you pin products within a sequence?
What is Smart Pinning?
How to pin products using SKUs/Product IDs?
How to pin products in between sequences while merchandising a Collection | Category?
What are active, draft, and unavailable products in Shopify?
How can I restore historical versions of Collections | Categories | Smart widgets?
What are merchandising drafts (versions)?
How to create, save, edit, and publish draft versions?
What are category | collection performance alerts?
How to pin a product by using the 'Drag and Drop' option in the 'Curate Panel'?
How can I unassign users from receiving Performance Alert emails?
How to create a Global Boost (T-Score Boost) to promote or demote products and tags?
Use Case: What are the different types of Tagalys smart collections | categories that can be created?
Why must I use 'Dynamic Pinned Sorting'?
How do I demote products using conditions?
How can I use And/Or conditions for merchandising?
What is a merchandising timeline graph?
What is version history in a Category | Collection page?
How can I unassign/edit collection | category performance alerts?
What is 'Move up' and 'Move Down' option while pinning products?
How to unpin products which are already pinned?
How can I create a Smart Collection | Category or Widget with specific SKUs or Product IDs?
How to merchandise by using the 'Size Count' condition?
Use Case: Merchandising using the Global Sort Option (GSO) for Fresh Stock, Best Sellers and Discounted Products
What are the data fields used for product sorting across features in Tagalys?
What are the ways to dynamically merchandise products across categories and collections?
How can I refine a Sequence?
How do I promote/pin multiple product SKUs in a single action?
How can I restore SKUs or Products that have been demoted in a Category or Collection?
What are products in Shopify classified as 'Not available on the online store'?
How to integrate offline sales data into Tagalys and use it for Merchandising?
How to merchandise Categories or Collections using Performance Segments?
How do I create a product sequence using shortcuts?
How do I create a Global Boost (T-score)?
Use Case: Global Boost (T-score) for red dresses and tops for Valentines Day across stores
How do I create a GSO Boost?
Use Case: GSO Boost to give visibility to full price products
Why can I not apply a GSO for 'Pin only' Categories or Collections?
How do I use 'Clone Sequence' in Tagalys?
Why must I use 'Clone Sequence' in Tagalys?
Use Case: Sequencing products by Product Type
Is there a limit to the number of product Sequences you can create in Categories or Collections?
How do I see how many collections or categories are using local boost and global sort?
How do I delete a Local Boost?
Use Case: Creating a Local Boost based on Colour
What does 'Avg. removed per collection/category' in Dashboard mean?
What does Avg. promoted per collection/category in Dashboard mean?
Where can I access Performance Metrics for products within a category or collection? e.g CTR, Units Sold, etc.
Use Case: Creating a Smart Category or Collection for Valentines Day Sale
What does 'Activate' or 'Deactivate' merchandising from the Tagalys dashboard mean?
What does 'Product not available' in Category (or) Collection mean?
How to delete a Category or Collection using Tagalys?
How do you demote single or multiple products across Categories or Collections created from your eCommerce platform?
How do I auto-enable all future published Collections for Tagalys Merchandising?
How long does a GSO Boost take to update positions across multiple Categories or Collections?
Why must I use SKU conditions to create 'Smart Categories' or 'Collections' vs Manual Pinning?
Use Case: Merchandising by Product - Inventory and Discount
How do I create a new Global Sort Option (GSO)?
How can I remove products in Categories | Collections created on Tagalys?
Trending Sort Order in Categories, Collections and Search results
How do I create a Local Boost?
Why should I use Local Boosting vs. Manual Pinning?
How to pin products at any position in a Collection | Category while merchandising?
Use Case: Using Drag and Drop curation based on matching product sets
Why should I use a Global Boost (T-score)?
What are the ways to 'Boost' products using merchandising?
Can I manually update product positions in a Category or Collection?
How long does a Global Boost (T-score) take to update positions across the online store?
How long does a Local Boost take to update positions across the Category or Collection?
Use Case: Sequencing in a GSO by Product Type
What are the conditions available in Tagalys for merchandising in a category or collection?
How can I replace | transfer | convert an existing Shopify Collection with a Tagalys Smart Collection?
Why should I use 'Product Title/Name' as a condition for merchandising?
What is 'Lite Mode' on the Tagalys Dashboard?
What is the 'Tagalys' trending GSO?
A/B testing: Restricting the collection titles of secondary variants on the storefront
What is a 'Smart Sequence'?
SEO indexing preferences for secondary variants of A/B testing
Use case: A/B testing collection merchandising
How to disable default product visibility settings for individual collections?
See more
Product Recommendations
What are 'Smart Widgets'?
What are 'Personalized' Recommendations?
How to generate a report comparing two different date ranges?
How to access the 'Viewed also Viewed' recommendations report?
How to access the smart widgets recommendations report?
How to access the 'Bought also Bought' recommendations report?
How to access similar products recommendations report?
How to access personalized recommendations reports?
How do I create Smart widgets using Tagalys and use it in my website frontend?
What are 'Similar Products' Recommendations?
What are 'Cross Selling Recommendations' and how to use them in Tagalys?
Can I Customize the products displayed in the 'No Results recommendations'?
Use Case: Creating a 'Smart Widget' for Best Sellers
What are Most Viewed | Top-Grossing | Best Sellers | New Arrivals Product Recommendations?
Can I change the order of widgets in the 'No Results Recommendations'?
How do you calculate Impressions per Month for widgets?
What are 'Recently Viewed' product recommendations?
How to create smart widgets in a grid format?
What is a Product Based widget in Tagalys?
How to create Similar Products recommendations using Product Based Widgets?
How to access Product based widget reports?
What are 'viewed also viewed' recommendations?
What are 'Bought also bought' recommendations?
What is 'Product Visibility' on recommendations settings?
See more
What does T-score for marketing mean?
What information is available about my online store on the Dashboard?
Why should you use Tagalys to manage categories created on Magento?
How to Sync selected products from the Tagalys Dashboard?
How to access the various reports available on the Tagalys dashboard?
How to sync attributes to Tagalys in Magento 1?
Why is the Unique Visitors count different on the Tagalys dashboard vs. the downloaded reports?
What are the steps to follow while logging in to the Tagalys dashboard?
What are the different ways to log in to the dashboard?
Can I track the analytics data of Tagalys smart widgets embedded on other websites or blogs?
What are active sessions? How do I log out of all sessions?
How do I schedule a Global Boost (T-score)?
How can I merchandise by 'Size' using Sequencing, GSO, Global Boost (T-score), or 'Local Boost'?
How do I schedule a 'GSO' Boost?
What happens once the pinned products are expired?
What is the frequency of Product Position updates from Tagalys to Platform?
How do I download reports from the Tagalys dashboard?
How do I delete a T-Score Boost?
What are the different ways to find products to add a T-Score boost on Tagalys?
How do I add / edit / delete 'filters' in the Tagalys dashboard?
How fast is the service? Will my visitors face any latency or sluggishness in the experience?
What are Product Listing Page (PLP) Generators?
How does Tagalys capture offline product sales for merchandising?
What is Product Score, Tag Score, Date Score and Boost Score?
What happens if I delete a GSO?
What to do if I applied a boosting condition on few products, but they are not sorted on top of the listing pages?
What is query stemming?
What are 'Fields' in sorting?
How to change the order of tags in Filters?
How do I extend the date range of 'Boosts' that are scheduled to expire?
What are Product Segment Reports -'High Exposure', 'High Potential', 'Low Exposure' and 'Low Potential' products?
Why should I use a Global Sort Option (GSO)?
How to add, edit and delete a sort option in Tagalys?
How long do merchandising changes on a collection or category take to reflect on the front-end?
How does Tagalys manage product sorting & positioning in multi-store environment?
How can I run/test Tagalys on my local setup?
How do I edit/reschedule the 'T-Score Boosting' applied on the products?
What languages does the Tagalys Search API supports?
How do I apply a Global Sort Option (GSO) across Tagalys features?
What do you consider as maximum catalog size?
What is Trending Score or T-Score?
If I apply a GSO across many collections or categories, how long does it take to update the front end?
How to trigger a Manual Full Sync from the Tagalys Dashboard?
How to Sync product details for a selected Category or Collection from the Tagalys Dashboard?
What is the Product Performance Report?
What are SKU count and its impact on the Tagalys dashboard?
What are Drill-Down reports in Taglays?
What metrics are available under Configurable Product Metrics?
What does 'Unique Visitors' mean?
What is a Category or a Collection Performance Report?
Features on the Tagalys dashboard that makes your account secure
How do I log in using Backup codes?
Merchandising collections, search, and widgets using product reviews/ratings
What is 'Product Visibility' on the Collections | Categories settings?
See more
What is UIUX Customization used for?
How to add a discount percentage or offer on Tagalys widgets, search & listing pages e.g., 20% OFF?
How do I override the Tagalys JS?
How do I modify Merchandised Page headers?
How do I override the Tagalys CSS
How to update the store's UIUX Customization?
How to manage filters from the Tagalys dashboard?
See more
How can I preview search 2.0 to verify results?
How do products sync from Magento to Tagalys?
SQL table related errors while installing Tagalys for Magento 2
How can I access 'Smart Categories | Smart Collections' from the Tagalys Dashboard?
Version Scheduling
What is version scheduling and how can I schedule a version of a Collection | Category?
What is a 'revert' version and how do I set it up?
A/B testing
What causes an A/B test to be interrupted?
What is an A/B test and how can I create one on the Tagalys dashboard?