A/B testing: Restricting the collection titles of secondary variants on the storefront

Once an A/B test is ready to go-live,  the collection variants
(a maximum of 2 variants can be created in an A/B test excluding the primary variant) will be created as a separate collection on your Shopify store.

For example, assume you are creating an A/B test for the 'Dresses' collection with 2 other variants (Variant B & Variant C). Once the A/B test is ready to go-live, these secondary variants will be added to the collections index on your Shopify store with the title 'Dresses [A/B test variant B]' &  'Dresses [A/B test variant C]'

These variant titles may have to be hidden from the following locations on the storefront:
  • Search suggestions (automatically managed if Tagalys search is used).
  • Navigation menu: If you are automatically listing new collections in your navigation menu, special handling may be required.
  • Collections listed on www.your-store.com/collections.

If further clarification is required, please contact support@tagalys.com