What is Tagalys's AI search library?

Tagalys's AI search library is a collection of synonyms. AI constantly updates this library by analysing the search queries of online visitors.

Tagalys users by default have the option to create and manage their own set of synonyms.  With this feature, merchants can enable Tagalys’s AI library of synonyms for their stores. Please note that the user-created synonyms will always take precedence over the AI library in case of any overlapping search terms. Specific synonyms from the AI library can be disabled based on your preferences.

The AI system takes the ‘no results’ search terms into its analysis and finds potential synonyms that can deliver the results for the search term. Merchants can thus save the time spent on analysing the no results report to manually create synonyms.

This feature is currently in the beta testing stage. For further details, contact our support team at support@tagalys.com