How can I refine a Sequence?

'Refine Sequence' is a feature that is used in merchandising to set conditions such that, only select products that match these conditions will be sorted within the sequence. 


  • To refine a new sequence: While merchandising, select the 'Sequence' option to sort the Category | Collection.
  • You can now click on the '+Sequence' to create a new sequence.
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  • Set the conditions for the sequence using the data fields or catalog attributes, such as Product Type, Color, Product Views, Add to carts, buys, etc.,
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  • To exclude products that are out of stock, from being sorted and displayed within the sequence, ensure that the 'In Stock' toggle is turned on. Click on 'Save'.  
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  • To refine an existing sequence: While merchandising, select the 'Sequence' option to sort the Category | Collection, click on the edit option of the sequence you wish to refine.
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  • Change the existing data fields or catalog attributes to match your requirements, such as Product Type, Color, Product Views, Add to carts, buys, etc.,
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  • To exclude products, that are out of stock, from being sorted and displayed within the sequence, ensure that the 'In Stock' toggle is turned on. Click on 'Save'. 
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Once you have refined the sequence click 'Save and Publish' on the top right.