How to pin products using SKUs/Product IDs?

To pin products using SKUs/Product IDs to a target position, follow the steps below.

  • On the Collection | Category merchandising page click on 'Curate' Icon to add products.Merchandise-Collection-Tagalys-1
  • Products can also be pinned using SKUs/Product ID if you have the list available. When the list is pasted, Apply the position number where you want to pin the products and click on 'Add'. You also have the option to move the positions of any existing pinned products in the target position. 
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  • Once the products are pinned to the desired positions, schedule them for the required time period and click on 'Done'. The products are pinned at the target position.
  • When pinning products using SKUs in between a sequence, you can choose to replace or pushdown the products in the sequence.Merchandise-Collection-Tagalys (8)
  • Once products are pinned, conditions can be set up as well, so that the products remain pinned as long as the conditions are met within the scheduled period. 
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