Any changes you make on the product from the eCommerce platform can be synced to Tagalys directly from the Tagalys Dashboard.
The below screenshots are taken from a Tagalys test store.
- Login to the Tagalys Dashboard and click on 'Product Catalog' from the left menu.
- You can Sync select products from the Dashboard using one of the below methods:
- Syncing Products by entering the Product IDS:
- Click on 'Sync Products' and choose the 'Add Product IDs to Sync' option (For Magento, use the option 'Sync products using SKUs') from the dropdown.
- Enter the product IDs (For Magento, enter the SKUs) one by one and click on 'Sync' at the bottom.
- Click on 'Sync Products' and choose the 'Add Product IDs to Sync' option (For Magento, use the option 'Sync products using SKUs') from the dropdown.
- Syncing individual products by selecting them:
- Click on the checkbox on the right corner of each product tile. It will be visible when you hover over the product.
- After selecting the products you want to Sync, click on the 'Sync N Products' button. (N = Number of products you have selected)
- Click on the checkbox on the right corner of each product tile. It will be visible when you hover over the product.
- Syncing all products visible on the page:
- Click on the dropdown 'Nothing Selected for Sync' and choose the option 'Select Visible'. This option will choose all the products available on the page for Syncing.
- After selecting the visible products, click on 'Sync N Products'. (N = Number of products available on the page that have been selected)
- Click on the dropdown 'Nothing Selected for Sync' and choose the option 'Select Visible'. This option will choose all the products available on the page for Syncing.
- Syncing Products by entering the Product IDS:
- After clicking on 'Sync', you can check the status of the Sync by clicking on the 'Sync Notifications' button on the top right.
- Once the Sync is completed, the following message will be displayed on top of the page in the dashboard "Your requested products have been synced successfully".
You can also run a Manual Full Sync from the Tagalys Dashboard by following the steps given in this article.