What is 'Lite Mode' on the Tagalys Dashboard?

Merchants can customize the appearance of the product tile on the dashboard using the 'Lite Mode' feature. 

On a merchandising edit page, you can choose to include or exclude the information displayed such as product name and price, sort labels, product metrics, and products per row. 

To customize your view of the dashboard, click on the eye icon towards the top right on a merchandising edit page.

You can choose to include or exclude the view options available from the drop-down by simply turning the toggle ON and OFF.

Note: By default, product name and price & sort labels will be disabled. 

The preferences selected will be applied to all merchandising edit pages across the dashboard at a User ID level. The changes made by you will not reflect on the dashboard for other users from your organization.

For example, if User A chooses to customize the appearance of their dashboard, the changes will be saved only for User A and will not affect the dashboard view of other users. 

Contact support@tagalys.com in case you require any further support.