Merchandising collections, search, and widgets using product reviews/ratings

Reviews and ratings are social proof that validates the customer's experience in e-commerce stores. Product Reviews provide feedback on how customers perceive a product's quality, performance, and value.

Why is this data useful?

By analyzing product reviews and ratings, businesses can identify strengths and weaknesses in their products and use that information to optimize product sorting/discovery in their e-commerce stores.

How do we use this for merchandising in Tagalys? 

Leveraging product reviews (count/ratings) from third-party product review platforms like Bazaar voice, Okendo, etc can now be used for merchandising in Tagalys.

Merchants can either filter or sort products based on the following two data fields,
  1. Total review count of a product 
  2. Average rating value of a product

For example, merchants can boost products with an average value greater than or equal to 4 to give them more visibility.

Also, products can be sorted according to the highest average rating value. 

The integration is available with Bazaarvoice, Okendo, and any other third-party review tool with rating information available through Shopify meta fields.
If you want to start using your product ratings and reviews while merchandising in Tagalys. Please contact support.