How can I pre-merchandise a collection with products that are not yet assigned to it?

Merchants have the ability to pre-merchandise a collection to visualize how the collection would appear before the product is added/published to the collection.

Merchants can pin any product(s) in a collection from across the product catalogue before it is added to the collection on your e-commerce platform as a pre-merchandising strategy.

To illustrate, here is how you can pin any product(s) from the product catalogue to a collection.

  • On the merchandising edit page click on the 'Pin Products' section.
  • Search for the product that you want to add and select the 'Across the Catalog' option from the dropdown as seen in the screenshot below.
  • Select the product(s) that you would like to pin, enter the target position number click on 'Pin at Position' and then click on 'Done'.
  •  Once the product is added/published to the collection, the product will automatically be pinned at the desired target position.  

Note: Pre-merchandised products that are pinned to a collection will not be visible on the merchandising edit page. To view such products, merchants must navigate to the 'Pin Products' section.