What are the pre-requisites for a successful merchandising replication?

Some prerequisites need to be in place before a collection is replicated to the target store in order to ensure a successful replication from the source store to the target store.

Kindly make sure the points mentioned below are in place before replicating a collection:
  1. Replication can only be done between stores created on the same platform, i.e., 
    replication between 2 collections created on Shopify and between 2 collections created on Tagalys.
  2. The collection handle of the collection from the source store must be identical to the handle of the collection from the target store.

    Source store:

    Target store:
  3. The merchandising conditions (like attributes and tags) used in the source store must be available and enabled for merchandising in the target stores as well.
  4. The product handles from the source store must be identical to the product handles from the target store.