What is a 'Smart Sequence'?

Enable visual sequences or online aisles to adapt dynamically based on visitor engagement data

The 'Sequence' merchandising option allows merchants to create visual stories with multiple types of products. These sequences can be based on various product attributes like type, colour, and more. The products within each sequence are then dynamically sorted based on the selected criteria, while the sequences themselves remain static, maintaining the defined order.

Smart Sequencing takes the sequence functionality a step further. With this feature enabled, not only are the products within each sequence sorted dynamically, but the sequences themselves will be dynamically ordered based on the chosen overall sort order.

For instance, in the below example, there are 3 sequences created based on 'Product type' with skirts being in the first sequence, followed by dresses and trousers.

Once the 'Smart Sequencing' feature is enabled, the sequences will dynamically be ordered based on the average of the chosen sort order, which is 'units sold' in this case. 

Since the 'Dresses' sequence has the highest average of units sold, it will automatically be positioned as the first sequence, followed by 'Trousers' and 'Skirts'. The sequences will be reordered every day based on the average of the selected metric. This functionality is available for smart widgets as well.

The average calculation done by the 'Smart sequence' feature to reorder sequences will be as follows in the below scenarios:
  • Collections | Categories sorted by GSOs: The calculation will be done at a per-collection level despite the GSO being applied to multiple collections.
  • Collections that are auto-replicated (Shopify customers only): The calculation will be done based on the local stores' data.

Note: The feature will not be available on all dashboards since it will be released in batches. For further details, contact support@tagalys.com