Use Case: Merchandising by Product - Inventory and Discount

In this scenario, let's assume that you have a clearance sale where you want to showcase the products with a 'Discount Percentage' of greater '50%,' while the Inventory per product is greater than, '20' units. Using Tagalys merchandising, you can give visibility and preference across Categories, Collections, and Search Results, for products that match these conditions.  

Using 'Sequencing': A merchant would use this option to always ensure the products with a 'Discount Percentage' of greater than, '50%' and an 'Inventory' of greater than '20 units' are visible in the selected sequence on the selected Categories, Collections, and Search Results. Using a 'Sequence' merchants can ensure that the products contain a value 'Greater than or equal to,' the value 'Discount Percentage' and 'Inventory Units' in the sequence.

The below screenshot shows a 'Sequence,' where the products are displayed in a sequence if their Inventory and 'Discount Percentage' is 'Greater than or equal to '20 units' and '50%' respectively. 


To read more on, 'Why should I use Product Sequencing?' Click here

Using a 'GSO': A merchant would use this option to ensure the products with the desired conditions, 'Discount Percentage' of '50%' and an 'Inventory'  of '20 units' are visible across multiple 'Categories' or 'Collections.' Using a 'Sequence' in the GSO, merchants can ensure the products have a 'Discount Percentage' of '50%,' while they also have an Inventory Total of '20' units. 

The below screenshot shows a GSO sequence, where products are displayed in a 'Sequence' and match the above conditions across all the applied 'Categories' or Collections' 

4-Mar-04-2021-05-59-26-07-AMTo read more on, 'Why should I use a Global Sort Option (GSO)?' Click here.   

Using a 'Global Boost (T-score)': A merchant would use a 'Global Boost' to give more visibility to products with a 'Discount Percentage' of '50%' and an 'Inventory' of '20 units.' Using the 'Global Boost (T-score)' option will help increase the value of the T-score of the products and increases the visibility of these products, where the 'Sort Order' is 'Trending'. But this does not guarantee that the products will be at the desired position on the 'Category,' 'Collection,' or the 'Search' results page.

As in the above methods, you can choose the condition to 'Be greater than or equal to' so that the incremental T-score is applied to both the mentioned 'Discount Percentage' and 'Inventory.' 

3-Mar-04-2021-05-53-26-85-AMTo read more on, 'Why should I use a Global Boost (T-score)?' Click here