The 'Smart Widgets' feature enables you to create customized recommendations widgets that can be embedded into the store front-end.
Let us create a 'Smart Widget' to showcase bestsellers.
- Click on the 'Smart Widgets' icon under product recommendations on the left panel of the Tagalys dashboard. In the new window, click on 'New'.
- In the 'Find Products' section, select the attributes you want to showcase and match them to the desired requirement. For instance, in this case, we want to showcase products that had the most units sold and exclude products on sale.
- The image below shows select attributes 'Units Sold (last 30 days)' and 'Discount Percentage' to match the requirement. For this example let's set the 'Units Sold' tab to greater than or equal to 20, and the 'Discount Percentage' tab equal to 0%. Click on the 'Save ' icon.
- Click on the 'eye' icon beside the smart widget you just created to view it. This shows the code that you need to embed into the backend of the store, blog/website, and email for the smart widget to be accessible.
- To add the newly created smart widget to your online frontend store, click on 'In your store', copy the code and paste it where you would like the widget to appear.
- To add the newly created smart widget to your blog or website, click on 'Blog/other website', copy the code and paste it where you would like the widget to appear.
- Add the newly created smart widget to your email and generate the HTML code, after specifying the number of rows and number of products displayed in the email. This code can be copied and pasted where you would like the widget to appear.