What are Most Viewed | Top-Grossing | Best Sellers | New Arrivals Product Recommendations?

Most Viewed, Top-Grossing, Best Sellers and New Arrivals are pre-defined Product Recommendation widgets, which contain products based on the respective Product Views, Revenue, Units Sold and the date they're launched. 

The data is analyzed for a period of 30 days.  The products displayed in the above recommendation widgets are sorted in descending order of the SKUs for the data analyzed. All the widgets are dynamic in nature - They keep changing when the data is refreshed. 

  • 'Most Viewed' Product Recommendations are a carousel of the most viewed in-stock products across your product catalog for the above period of time. 

  • 'Top Grossing' Product Recommendations are a carousel of the in-stock SKUs that have generated the highest revenue in the last 30 days across your product catalog. 

  • 'Best Sellers' Product Recommendations are a carousel of the in-stock products that have sold the most units across your product catalog for the above period of time. 

  • 'New Arrivals' product recommendations is a carousel of the latest in stock arrivals across your product catalog. Products are sorted dynamically based on the 'Introduced at' (Magento) or 'Published at' (Shopify) date. This widget gets updated when new products are added to the product catalog.

To install Tagalys Product Recommendations, click here