What are category | collection performance alerts?

Alerts allow merchants to proactively identify percentage changes or absolute changes in metrics of a Collection | Category to take corrective action, including merchandising.

The following metrics are available for alerts:

  1. Unique Visitors
  2. Unique Product Views
  3. CTR
  4. Unique Add-to-carts
  5. Unique Orders
  6. Revenue
  7. Conversion
  8. Product Count

Except for product count, all other metrics are available in absolute and % change formats. 

More metrics will be added in phases as we get customer feedback.

1. To create a CTR% change alert, please follow the below steps:

  • On the Tagalys dashboard, click on 'Performance Alerts' under collections.
    Tagalys (4)
  • Click on '+ Alert'.Performance-Alerts-Tagalys
  • Enter a unique name for the alert, choose either 'Greater than or equal to' or 'Lesser than or equal to', and update the percentage change value. Click on 'Save'. 
  • In the example below, the alert is being set if the CTR for the last 7 days drops by over 10% compared to the previous 7 days.  Performance Alerts - Tagalys (1)
  • Once the performance alert is set, click on 'Assign' to select the collection(s) for which the alerts need to be triggered.Performance-Alerts-Tagalys (4)
  • The alert can be applied to all collections or individually choosing the check box on the collections, before assigning. Performance-Alerts-Tagalys (5)
  • The alert has now been set on the selected collections, whenever there is a drop of 10% in the CTR% for those collections, an alert will be sent via email to all the users who have access to save collections and view reports.Performance-Alerts-Tagalys (6)

2. Here is an example of how to create an alert for an absolute change in Conversion%, please follow the below steps: 

  • On the Tagalys dashboard, click on 'Performance Alerts' under collections.     
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  • Click on '+ Alert'.



  • Enter a unique name for the alert, choose either 'Greater than or equal to' or 'Lesser than or equal to', and update the change in absolute value. Click on 'Save'. 

In the example below, the alert has been set if the Coversion% is less than or equal to 5%. 

  • Once the performance alert is set, click on 'Assign' to select the collection(s) for which the alerts need to be triggered.

  • The alert can be applied to all collections or individually choosing the check box on the collections, before assigning.

  • The alert has now been assigned to the selected collections, whenever the conversion% is less than 5%, an alert will be sent via email to all the users who have access to save collections and view reports.
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