What is a 'Search Redirect'?

In some use cases, a merchant would want to direct a particular or multiple Search Queries to an existing URL instead of displaying the Search Results. In such cases, the Search Redirect option can be used.

In Search Redirect, the query can be further customized to 'Partially match' or 'Exactly Match', 'Consider synonyms', and also add 'Priority' to the search query.

To add a 'Search Redirect' please follow the below steps.

  • Login to your Tagalys dashboard and click on 'Search Redirects'.
  • Click on '+ New'.
  • Enter the search query in the dialogue box highlighted below. One or multiple search queries can be configured as either 'Partially Matches' or 'Exactly Matches'.  
  • You can set the 'Priority' and paste the required URL you would like visitors to be redirected to.
  • Click on Save at the top right and the 'Search Re-direct' will be added.