What are 'Two-Way' synonyms in search?

If a visitor expects to see the same search results for a search query A or B, then A & B should be treated as a 2-way synonym.

When the product catalog defines products with a particular word e.g., pants, but visitors search for the same with 'Trousers', pants will not be shown. To avoid the manual effort of also adding the word 'Trouser' to the relevant products in the catalog, they can be added as a synonym set within Tagalys.

Use Case: When the merchant wants to display the same products whether the visitor searches using the word "Pant" or "Trousers" to help visitors discover more products, creating a 'Two-way' synonym can solve this.

Follow the steps below to add a 'Two-way' synonym.

  •  Click on '+Synonym Set' in the 'Synonyms' section.
    One way synonym -1

  • Add "Pant" and "Trouser" under 'Search Query' and click on 'Save'. 
    Two way synonym new

  • The 'Synonym Set' will be updated after the reindex is completed.
    Two way synonym - 2

Search results for the query "Pant" before adding the 'Synonym Set'.

Twoway-use case

Search results for the query "Trouser" before adding the 'Synonym Set'.

Two way synonym new - 1

Once the 'Synonym Set' is added, the search results for "Pant" also displays "Trouser"

Two way synonym new - 2