What is the difference between Shopify server-side collections integration vs Tagalys API integration?

There are two methods by which collections can be integrated with Tagalys: either through the Shopify server-side or by using Tagalys APIs. Kindly refer to the table below that outlines the differences between these two approaches.


Shopify Server Side integration

Tagalys APIs integration

Merchandising using segments

Not possible

Available mid-2025

Merchandising collections using Shopify Markets

Not possible

Available mid-2025

Management of Collections filters and sort options

Managed on the Shopify Search and Discovery app

Managed on Tagalys

Creating filters using Tags with prefixes (eg: Colour: Red)

Not possible


Filters support for Collections with more than 5000 products

Not possible


Pagination options

Previous/Next and Infinite scrolling

Pagination links (i.e, pages 1,2,3..9), Previous/Next, and Infinite scrolling

The rest of the capabilities are common across both methods of integration. 

Please note that implementing the Tagalys APIs integration will require integration efforts from your development team. In contrast, if you choose the Shopify server-side integration method, you can activate collections with Tagalys within 24 to 48 hours after installing the app, assuming your store is using a Shopify native theme without any customizations.