How long does a Global Boost (T-score) take to update positions across the online store?

Once a Global Boost is added, there are two activities that take place: 

  1. The T-Score gets updated and thereby updates the overall Trending Score of the product across the Tagalys dashboard. This takes place at a rate of approximately 100 products per minute.
  2. Once the T-Score is updated, the product positions are updated across the online store at the rate of  50 'Categories' and 'Collections' in 10 minutes. This also depends on your platform cache.  
For instance, let's add a Global Boost that is matching all Red products.  
  • Here, the Boost is affecting 53 products.  

  • This Boost, once saved, will update the Trending Score of all the matching products within the next minute. 
  • Once the Trending Score is updated, the product positions in all the Product Listing Pages which contain the above products will be updated. This duration is based on the number of Categories or 'Collections' that contain the above products and the platform cache. 

 To read further on how to create a Global Boost(T-score), click here