How to access the 'Bought also Bought' recommendations report?

To access the 'Bought also Bought' recommendations report, navigate to the left side of the Tagalys dashboard and click on the 'Bought also Bought' report under the 'Reports' section. 

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The following page will be displayed once you enter the 'Bought also Bought' products reports section. In this report, you will find a summary of the user engagement for the widget with performance metrics like 'Product views,' 'CTR', 'Add to cart,' 'Revenue,' 'Conversion rate,' etc.

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To learn more about how this report can be compared and generated for a custom or a standard duration of time, click here.

This report can be downloaded as well, click here to learn how to download a report.

To learn about how to apply these reports to your business, set up a free onboarding call by contacting our support team.