The 'Pin Anywhere' functionality enables you to pin products to a target position in between a sequence(s) by either retaining the original sequence layout or replacing the sequence layout with pinned products.
A sequence helps in adding a visual story to the Collection | Category. However, when certain products need to be pinned between sequences due to the business requirement, the 'Pin Anywhere' functionality enables you to pin products to a target position in between sequences by either retaining the original sequence layout or replacing the sequence layout with pinned products.
To pin products in between sequences follow the steps below.
- On the collection | category merchandising page click on 'Pin products' to manually pin products to a specific target position.
- Click on the 'Drag and Drop' icon visible upon hovering on the product tile and drag it to the desired target position.
- In the image below, the product in position 6 is being dragged to position 3.
- The product which was in position 6 is now pinned at position 3 making a set of a shirt and a skirt (Positions 2 & 3).
- While pinning products in between sequences, you can either 'Push down' the sequence (preserve the sequence) or 'Replace' the products in the sequence with a pinned product.
- Once products are pinned, conditions can be set up so that they remain pinned as long as the conditions are met.
- Click on 'Done' and then 'Save' the collection | category to pin products at the target position(s).