Sometimes, product tags are missing on products - What could be the reason?

Product Attributes are a collection of Tags and these are applied to products based on attribute sets. 

Tags associated with products might be missing due to these reasons: 

  • There was a manual change of attributes or Tags done in the Magento Admin. 
    Example: A Tag or Attribute that have been assigned to one or more products have been deleted from the Magento Admin. This action can only be performed by Magento Admins and not by Tagalys.  
    Below is an example image from the Magento Admin of a demo store, where these changes can be made. 

    Tags are missing on products - There could be a couple of reasons.
  • You may be using a third-party Product like a PIM, visual tagging system, etc. There could be some issue with these third-party systems which adds or deletes Tags on the products or the admin directly. In such cases, you can resolve this by Triggering a Full Manual Sync.
  • Tagalys detects Tag changes via webhooks when changes are made on the product directly. Third-party products could make changes directly on the database, failing to trigger a webhook. In such cases, you can resolve this by Triggering a Full Manual Sync.

If the issue still persists, please contact us.