What does 'Activate' or 'Deactivate' merchandising from the Tagalys dashboard mean?

The feature allows merchants to 'Activate' or 'Deactivate' Tagalys merchandising to transfer product positions from the Tagalys dashboard to the Shopify Manual Sort Order. The product positions are reflected only on published collections.

In order for merchants to start merchandising across one, multiple or all collections, this feature can be used to activate Tagalys merchandising from the dashboard. Upon activation, any merchandising action that leads to changes in the product positions across collections will be transferred to the Shopify collection and only then reflected in the store front end. While merchants can merchandise all collections from the Tagalys dashboard, these merchandising actions will NOT take effect on the front end unless it is activated. 

The image below is taken from a demo store and depicts the 'Activation' of multiple selected published Collections. 


To read further on how you can 'Activate' or 'Deactivate' one, multiple or all Collections from the Tagalys Dashboard, click here