What is a Category or a Collection Performance Report?

The report gives you insights into how visitors engage with Categories or Collections that are enabled for Tagalys merchandising

The Category or Collection Performance Report (Product Listing pages - PLP) gives you the performance of various visitor engagement metrics for an individual Category or Collection. 

The report shows you performance metrics like 'Product views,' 'Add to cart,' 'Revenue,' 'Conversion rate,' etc. for each Category or Collection merchandised with Tagalys.  This report can be downloaded to extract derived metrics like 'CTR,' 'Bounce rate,' etc. 

You can find this under the 'Reports' section on the left side menu at the dashboard.

Categories Perfo

The report can be generated for custom and standard durations of time. The field Compare allows you to evaluate engagement data between two date ranges.

PLP report - dat

The graph gives you the visual data of various engagement metrics like 'Unique visitors', 'Product views', 'Add to cart', 'Units sold', 'Orders', 'Revenue' etc., and also allows you to compare different metrics for the selected duration.

PLP report - 1-1

Use historical data to improve future performance

Google Analytics primarily provides you with data on how visitors engage with your website, the Category or Collection Performance Report gives you comprehensive data of how visitors engage with Category or Collection across your store with access to drill down product insights. 

The option to compare metrics from the current period to a previous period helps you evaluate the impact of product merchandising strategies for Categories or Collections for the period.  

Here is an example from a Tagalys demo store that shows a comparison of data for the current vs. previous period of each Category or Collection.  

C&C report - 2

To learn about how to apply these reports to your business, set up a free onboarding session using this link