What is a Product Based widget in Tagalys?

On the product detail pages or cart pages, you can now recommend products via widgets based on particular source product(s).

Product-based widgets display recommended products with reference to the source product(s). 

On the dashboard, you can find the Product Based widget under 'Recommendations'.

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The recommendations curated using product-based widgets are divided into the following sections:
  • Hand-picked: The hand-picked section contains products for which the recommendations are manually pinned. 
  • Automated: The automated section contains products for which recommendations are populated based on the automation rules set in the widget.
  • Hybrid: The hybrid section contains products whose recommendations are a combination of both automated and hand-picked. 
  • None: All of the products that do not satisfy the automation rules and for which no recommendations were manually pinned can be viewed in the 'None' section.

Note: The colour indicator at the top right of the product tile indicates the type of recommendation populated. for that product.

The following are 2 common use cases for using product-based widgets:
  • Similar Products:
    You can recommend different variations of the same product or similar-looking products. Click here to read more about how to set up similar product recommendations using product-based widgets. 
  • Cross-Selling Recommendations: 
    You can recommend other products that you would like to cross-sell. Click here to read more about how to set up cross-selling recommendations using product-based widgets.

    For further queries or assistance in setting up product-based widgets, please feel free to contact your account owner or email us at support@tagalys.com.