What are 'Smart Widgets'?

The 'Smart Widgets' feature enables you to create customized recommendations widgets that can be embedded into the store front-end. These widgets can be merchandised similar to a category or collections page. 

You can create custom product merchandising by using the following options,

  • 'Find Products': Using this option, the products are to be selected based on the attributes and fields like 'Product Type', 'Categories', 'Color', 'Discount Amount', 'Discount Percentage', etc.
    Find products

  • 'Sort Products': Using this option, the selected products can be sorted using one of the following options, 'Global Sort Option' or 'Field' or 'Sequence'.
    Sort products

  • 'Global Sort Option': This option allows you to apply an existing 'Global Sort Option', and sort the products based on their specific conditions.
  • 'Field': This option allows you to sort products by using specific product fields or Tagalys analytical fields, such as Price, Discount percentage, Units sold, Product Views, Add to cart, Revenue, etc.
  • 'Sequence': This option provides merchants with product merchandising capabilities programmatically, to sort products using catalog attributes such as 'Product Type,' 'Color,' etc., and analytics fields like Product Views, Add to carts, Revenue, etc.

Once the 'Smart Widget' has been created for merchandising purposes, click on 'Save'.

To read a reference use case 'Smart Widget' click here. To learn how to create a Smart Widget and embed it onto your front end, click here