How to integrate offline sales data into Tagalys and use it for Merchandising?

  • Go to your platform admin (e.g., Magento) and create a new attribute to track the offline data. The data could be anything like 30 day - Revenue, 30 day - Units Sold etc., using which you wish to merchandise your online store.

  • Most merchants add their offline sales data to each product using methods like a CSV Import and having an API that updates this field. 
  • Once the tags are added to the products, please ensure you Sync the Attribute to Tagalys
  • After Syncing the Attributes to Tagalys, you can use the Offline data to Merchandise categories or collections in Tagalys.
  • Below is a screenshot is taken from a Test Magento Store, where the 'Offline Boost' is a custom attribute, with a tag  '20-50', that could be a representation of the offline engagement data assigned to the product

  • You can also use the same Attribute for Merchandising in Global Sort Options, Global Boosts, and Local Boosts